Welcome to the official mercedes color books page!

Lots and lots of bright colors

- carraragrau, rosenholz, nelkengrün, astralsilber, englischrot, zypressengrün, mimosengelb -

picturesque names for the variety of colors in the W124 and W123 series. Here they are all recorded and illustrated in a book each. A colorful feast for the eyes and some short stories from the vehicle owners.



Dear Mercedes friends,

I would like to introduce you to my Mercedes color books, which were previously not available in this printed book form. In these books the entire range of colors of the W123 and W124 is shown using wonderful color photos, some of different model variants.


I have been enthusiastic about the two series since I was a child.

A W124 became my first car after getting my driver's license and has remained loyal to me to this day. After many Mercedes meetings and countless photos that I collected at home, the idea of ​​putting together such a color book grew in me.

So I started looking for nice pictures...


Of course, a very special thank you goes to everyone who made their treasure available to us.


I hope everyone enjoys these books and have a safe journey!


Johannes Stigler